6 most strange planets the you can't believe exists- interesting space facts

A lot of things happen on earth, but still there some things that don't take place on our planet.
But that doesn't mean that what is impossible here is impossible everywhere in this vast universe. Whether it's clouds that rain rock or wind that's 29 times faster than sound.
So here are some planets that you don't believe exists in the universe.

6. Kepler b

Kepler b is a planet which orbits two different stars. If you ever got an opportunity to visit this planet you will notice 2 shadows instead of one like we have on our planet.

5. COROT - 7b

On COROT- 7b instead of raining water is rain down rocks. This is because half of the planet is scorching hot at 2,600 C, while the other half is far cooler with 177C and the temperature at the hot side is enough to vaporize rocks and like water condenses to form water cloud this rocks condense to form rock clouds. These clouds will then rain magma onto the surface, but since the atmosphere is cooler the farther up it goes and temperatures on the cool side is far lower. So the magma often turns into rocks before falling on the surface.

4. HD189733 -b

This is a gas planet with one side always facing its star, where the temperature can reach a scorching 966 C and also the temperature on the dark side is also very hot that is 688 C. Dark side is so hot because of the extremely fast winds possibly up to 22,000 mph, which is equal to 10km/s or nearly 29 times the speed of sound.

3. T

 Titan is a moon of second largest planet of our solar system that is Saturn. It has such a thick atmosphere that we didn't even know what it surface looked like until 2005.

Surface of titan
This moon has an atmosphere, rivers and lakes and it even rain like on earth. But the temperature on Titan is -179C, which is so cold that water is as hard as rock and chemical methane is present in liquid state. The cold, rivers and lake are made of methane which is the primary source of natural gas.
The interesting fact is that only 20% of the Titan surface is mapped and that alone consists of 100 times more natural gas and oil that is available all over the earth.

2. Mars

Planet mars one of the closet planet to earth comes in this list because it could be the next permanent home planet for us and we may able to see
it happen in our lifetime.
Mars is considered a great candidate for life because of its ancient water rich soil, sufficient amount of sunlight and a similar day length that is only 40 minutes longer.
Mars gravity is 38% weaker than Earth but still it is within the acceptable range for us to survive. Mars thin atmosphere protects it from sun's radiations and also could hold oxygen and become breathable.

1. HD 189773-b

HD 189773-b is an exoplanet located 63 light years away from us. It is slightly larger than Jupiter in size and look beautiful from its appearance due to the fact that the atmosphere of the planet mainly consists of silicon. Think sand or glass. It also rain at a temperature of 930C and has winds which can reach up to 5400mph or 8700kmph, which is seven times faster than speed of sound. This is even more terrifying when it rains on this planet. Here it rains glass. Just imagine the scene. If such a storm suddenly rows on Earth at the same wind speed on the HD 189773- , it would fly around our planet at the equator in just 5 hours and 33 minutes.

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