21 interesting facts about space - planets, stars galaxy and much more

today we are going to learn about space and space facts that you probably didn't know about! As has famously said, space is the Final frontier. The greatest of unknowns, space is far vaster than we can think and is filled phenomenon we barely understand. While we are watching the heavens in awe for millennia, space exploration and discovery only began earnest in the mid-20th century. Yet even what are no doubt our primitive findings still points at a universe more incredible then we thought. So here are 21 interesting facts that you didn't know about the universe.


21. Until 1923 scientist just thought that the entire universe is just our milky way until astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that the astronomical feature known as Andromeda, a fuzzy spot in the night sky, was actually an entire galaxy.


20 In 2011 the Hubble space telescope captured a picture of that star called "variable number one” or V1. It is been called the most important star in the history of cosmology.


19. Of all planets in our solar system, only Mercury and Venus don't have moons. 


18. The hottest planet in our solar system is not mercury as most would assume, but Venus. Due to runaway global warming, Venus's temperature is an incredible 863 degrees Fahrenheit that is 463 Celsius.

  17. Our solar system is about 4.6 billion years old and scientists believe that it will last another 5 billion years until our sun turns into a red giant.

  16. the tallest mountain known to man is Olympus Mons, an extinct volcano on mars with a peak 25 km higher sits nearly 3 times larger the Mount Everest.

15. Light-year is the distance light can travel in one year, or 5.88 trillion miles (9.5 trillion km).

 14. The width of our milky way galaxy according to NASA is about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000km, or 621371192237333888 miles or in astronomical terms 1,000 light-years 

13. Because most stars are so far away, when you look up into the sky you are not seeing them as they currently are, but as they were thousands of years ago that's how long their lights take to reach us.

12. Our sun is 300,000 times larger than earth.

11. The largest star in the unknown universe is VY Cains Majoris. It is 1,400 times larger than the sun.

10. Only hydrogen and helium were formed from the big bang.


9. Red Giants are really old stars formed when stars 10 times the mass of the sun ran out of hydrogen in its core and as it collapses the hydrogen present in the outer shell begins the process of fusion. The entire star begins fusion all at once. They will burn through all of their files in just a few million years and will shine 100,000 times brighter the sun.

8. This stars often explode as supernova most powerful explosion in the universe.

7. A red giant Betelgeuse, 1,000 times larger than the sun is a cosmic neighbor and is expected to go supernova in the next 1,000 years.

6. Because there are no atmosphere on the moon the footprints and tire prints left on the moon by American astronauts will never disappear.

5. Not only Jupiter has the most moons in the solar system, that is 79 but as of right now have most moons of any known planets in our galaxy.

4. Many scientists think that without Jupiter life was not possible on the earth because the giant of our solar system exerts such strong gravity that it pulls many comets and asteroids that might have impacted on earth. 

3. Water has been found practically everywhere in the solar system even on mercury.

2. Pluto is smaller in diameter than the USA.

1. Not only earth rotates as it orbits to the sun, but the sun itself also rotates at the rate of once every 25-35 days.


Some really interesting books about space you should read:

A Brief History Of Time: From Big Bang To Black Holes

Relativity: The Special and the General Theory

Space - 500 Facts

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