10 intresting facts about India that might blow your mind

"India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only."
These are not our words. These are the words of the great Mark Twain. Here are 10 intresting facts about India.

vast population 

Population of India makes up the 17.5% of world's population. but how big is that,
Well the population of india is 1.2 billion. And is steadily growing. As the matter of fact it is predicted that till 2022 it will definitely destroy the population of China which is 1.3 billion. Also till 2050 it will reach upto 1.6 billion people.

world's largest gathering 

Kumbh mela is a pilgrimage of faith where people gather around a sacred river to take bathe. In 2013 the kumbh mela estimated over 120 million people and February 10th over 30 million came to the festival. This gathering was so large that you could see it from space.

India was an island

At a point india was a island a hundred million years ago. Back in dinosaur age it broke off from supercontinent Gondwana land and it moive in north eventually crashing into Asia. This collision we have the Himalayan mountains which are the youngest but also the biggest.

largest number of road deaths 

In india largest number of road deaths then any country with an approximation of more than 115,000 deaths within a year from motor vehicle accident. 

5 biggest flim producing industry 

India is the flim producing industry which produces more flims then Hollywood. Total moives produced are 1,100. And the fact is that Bollywood produce only 200 of this flims.

6 illegal to take money outside 

When you guys come back from any country sometimes you like to bring some currency back. But you can't do it in India, it is actually illegal to leave the country with any form of indian currency.

no invasion 

India is the country who has never invaded a country in last 10,000 years but some scholars say that it is 100,000. Actually the reason given is that india itself was a very rich nation. 

8 moblie use

In india there are more mobile phone then the toilets.

9 spices

We all like spices some like it hot some like it mild. But do you know that 70% spices sold worldwide come from india!

10 only female

In India there is a airline called "Go air" which only give job to females. Why! They say that females are lighter and because of that they save upto 500,000 us dollars a year simply on fuel.

Also see
 Who is the richest person in the human history?

For more intresting facts about india Click here
