Who is Richest person in humans history?

Most Richest people today make there wealth from technology and industry. In fact a study showed that 9 richest man in the world have more wealth than 4 billion poor people on this planet
But today's fortune hardly register when compared to richest people in history
The one at the top is Mansa Musa 

Mansa Musa or Musa the sultan 

Mansa Musa or Musa the sultan was not only the richest person in Mali but is Richest person in humans history. Details of musa are some what scarce because he lived in 14th century but few facts are certain.

Mansa Musa was born in 1280 into a family of rulers. His brother, Mansa Abu-Bakr, ruled the empire until 1312, when he abdicated to go on an expedition.
According to 14th Century Syrian historian Shibab al-Umari, Abu-Bakr was obsessed with the Atlantic Ocean and what lay beyond it. He reportedly embarked on an expedition with a fleet of 2,000 ships and thousands of men, women and slaves. They sailed off, never to return.
Some, like the late American historian Ivan Van Sertima, entertain the idea that they reached South America. But there is no evidence of this.
In any case, Mansa Musa inherited the kingdom he left behind.
Under his rule, the kingdom of Mali grew significantly. He annexed 24 cities, including Timbuktu.
The kingdom stretched for about 2,000 miles, from the Atlantic Ocean all the way to modern-day Niger, taking in parts of what are now Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea and Ivory Coast.
With such a large land mass came great resources such as gold and salt.

The journey to Mecca

 Though the empire of Mali was home to so much gold, the kingdom itself was not well known. 
 changed when Mansa Musa, a devout Muslim, decided to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca, passing through the Sahara Desert and Egypt.
The king reportedly left Mali with a caravan of 60,000 men.
He took his entire royal court and officials, soldiers, griots (entertainers), merchants, camel drivers and 12,000 slaves, as well as a long train of goats and sheep for food.
It was a city moving through the desert.
A city whose inhabitants, all the way down to the slaves, were clad in gold brocade and finest Persian silk. A hundred camels were in tow, each camel carrying hundreds of pounds of pure gold.
It was a sight to behold.
And the sight got even more opulent once the caravan reached Cairo, where they could really show off their wealth. (Source BBC news)

How reach was mansa musa

Though it's difficult to adjust musa's wealth to match modern day billionaires, economists have estimated his net worth at an unbelievable $400 billion. To put this in perspective the richest person in the world is jeff Bezos who has a fortune of $138 billion. This means no one in the world has even a quarter of musa's massive fortune.
The closest historical equivalent is john rockefller who's adjusted fortune is about $340 billion. He have form this from US oil company and various other industrial ventures. But even his networth is full $60 billion short from musa's. Musa's jaw-dropping wealth came from mixture of luck, hard work and military strength and after 700 years of his death no one has ever came close to his record.
