4 Tips to focus more in your studies


I get bored and sleepy! I just keep checking my phone! this is such a boring subject! I just can't sit at one place. 

 do you have this problem then let me tell you a secret, successful people don't have these problems. so follow these 4 tips to be one of them.

 it's not important to follow all these 4 tips you can try the one you think is best for you.

 TIP 1 breathing exercise

   keeping your body fresh is most important to focus and study. follow this exercise to keep your self fresh while studying 

 i) sit straight

  ii)keep your right hand on your belly

 iii) now slowly take a deep breath

  iv) now hold your breath for about 5 seconds

 v) now breath out slowly for 5 seconds.

repeat this process for at least 10 minutes. because of this exercise, your heart rate becomes slow and your brain feels relaxed so that you can feel fresh and sit for studies.

 TIP 2 take a walk 

 if you feel saturated in studies try to take a break and walk for about 10-15 minutes. according to a study after taking 12 minutes to walk your brain feel more alert and fresh. 

 TIP 3 one min meditation

   first, stop the work you are doing and relax on your chair or any place where you sit to study. now start focusing on meditation. close your eyes and breath normally. Now try to focus your brain on your breathing. with every time you breathe out feel your every tension going out with it. after breathing in and out one-time count till 5 and start again. do this meditation 5 times. Now slowly open your eyes. 

 TIP 4 water 

 it's common to drink coffee or tea during studies. this is because caffeine present in them gives you a shote term boost but it does not work for long. so we consume a lot of coffee or tea during our studies but forget to drink water. our brain without water is like a plant without water. deficiency of water often leads to tiredness and headache. so try to keep yourself hydrated by keeping a glass of water near your table.
