50 random facts you should know- animals, space, psychological, fun facts.

50 random facts that will make you look smart in your group.

1. When someone tickles you the laughter is a  panic response. That's why you can't tickle yourself as your body never senses any danger.

2. India used to be an island more than 100 million years ago. About 50 million years ago. It collided with the Asian continent and thus the Himalayas were born.

3. Mike the chicken lived for 18 months without its head.

4. Dharam Pal Gulati founder and CEO of M.D.H masala are probably the oldest and active CEO in the world at the age of 96.

5. Full form for A.M and P.M that we use to tell timing is ante meridiem and post meridiem.

6. On Saturn's moon titan, gravity is so low enough and the atmosphere is thick enough, that by attaching small wings to your arm you could fly like a bird.

7. It took $7 million to built Titanic but $200 million to film the movie Titanic.

8. 10 days without sleep can result in death.

9. Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at same time.

10. Our fingers get wrinkly in water because wrinkle fingers would give a better grip underwater.
11. Your thumb is the same length as your nose.

12. Redbull tagline "it gives you wings". Once a person in the U.S. filed a lawsuit against Redbull for not giving him wings and later won the settlement of $13 million.

14. Every year moon is moving away from earth by 3.8 centimetres.

15. Some jellyfish are immortal. They can age backwards when they reach maturity.

16. In 1953 due to high-speed F-11-Fighter shot itself because it was faster than its bullet.

17.  First non-human to win an oscar was Micky mouse.

18. At birth, the panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about 4 ounces.

19. Most loved Shinhan was real who died at the age of five while saving his younger sister "Himawari" from being hit by a car.

20. The tallest mountain in our solar system Olympic mons is located on mars and is 3 times taller than Mount Everest.

21. Our eyes are always the same from birth but our ears and nose never stop growing.

22.  Squirrels will adopt other squirrels baby if they are abandoned.

23. Men's shirt has a button on the right while women shirt has on the left.

24. Snakes can't close their eyes. They can't blink and have to sleep with their eyes open.

25. The smallest number divisible by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 is 2520.

26. There are still trees around the world which were present on the Earth even before the birth of Christ.

27. Cristiano Ronaldo is 869 days older than Lionel Messi and also Ronaldo's son Cristiano Ronaldo jr. Is 869 days older than Messi's son.

28. If the earth loses oxygen for just 5 seconds, them every building made of concrete will turn into dust.

29. The symbol of infinity is called the lemniscate

30. Raindeer eyeballs turn blue in winter to help them to see at lower light levels.

31. If you put a piece of pineapple somewhere in your mouth, it will start eating you. It has a protein that degrades meat.

32. Many scientists think that without Jupiter life was not possible on the earth because the giant of our solar system exerts such strong gravity that it pulls many comets and asteroids that might have impacted on earth. 

33. World's first laptop 'Osborne 1' invented by Adam Osborne in 1981 and had just 64 kb ram.

34. Michael Jackson had a meeting in one of the twin towers on the morning of 9/11 but he missed it because he overslept.

35. The fastest man on earth Usain bolt started his career with a bet over free lunch.

35. A lobster's teeth are in the stomach as the food is chewed in there.

36. French fries are not from France, they are from Belgium. They were named french fires because French was the official language of Belgium when it originated.

37. It took creator of Rubik cube, Erno Rubik more than one month to solve the cube after he created it. The current world record is 3.47 second.

38. Once Charlie Chaplin said "mirror is your best friend because when you cry it never laughs.

39. Male, the capital city of Maldives is so urbanised that it covers the whole island it is situated on.

40. The world record for the loudest thing ever shouted belongs to an Irish teacher who shouted the word "quite" at 121 decibels, the equivalent of a jet engine.

41. Currently is India is the only country on the earth confirm to have both lions and tigers in its wilderness.

42. It takes only 6 minutes for the brain cells to react to alcohol.

43. Muhammad is the most common first name in the world.

44. The day on Earth is not 24 hours but actually its 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds.

45. Pluto is smaller than Russia and even the USA.

46. The sentence " the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every alphabet.

47. Shakuntala Devi had booked a world record when she multiplied two 13 digits number (7,686,369,774,870 and 2,456,099,745,799) and calculated a result of 26 digits (18,947,668,177,995,426,462,773,730) in just 28 seconds.

48. Jackie chan was in his mother's womb for more than 12 months.

49. The creators of Adidas and Puma were brothers.

50. In France by law, a woman can marry a dead man.
